Introduction to Fricatives > How to pronounce ’voiced and unvoiced th’ /ð,θ/> Common ’voiced and unvoiced th’ spellings /θ, ð/ > Practice pronouncing ’voiced th’ /ð/ > Practice pronouncing ’unvoiced th’ /θ/
Common 'voiced and unvoiced th' spellings /θ, ð/
1. th (voiced)
a. them /ðɛm/
b. mother /'mʌð ɚ/
c. smooth /smuð/
2. th (unvoiced)
a. think /θɪŋk/
b. method /'mɛθ əd/
c. bath /bæθ/
More 'voiced and unvoiced th' material
- Learn how to pronounce the 'voiced and unvoiced th' sound
- PRACTICE! Listen to and repeat after 'voiced and unvoiced th' practice words