Introduction to Long Vowels > How to pronounce 'long i’ /ɑɪ/ > Common 'long i’ /ɑɪ/ spellings > Practice pronouncing 'long i’ /ɑɪ/
How to pronounce the 'long i' /ɑɪ/
'long i' illustration
The 'long i' /ɑɪ/ is a 2-sound vowel that ends in a brief 'y sound' /y/.
Part 1: At the beginning of the sound, the tongue is low and touches the bottom, side teeth.
Part 2: As the jaw closes slightly, the body of the tongue moves upward until it is near the tooth ridge, similar to the position of a 'y sound' /y/. The front sides of the tongue touch the inside of the top, side teeth.
Listen to the 'long i'
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